Important Changes to Your Growing

A picture of a variety PH products that are subject to change under UK law

We regret to inform you that, due to changes in government regulations- a variety of our products have unfortunately had to undergo changes. We're talking about changes to PH Up and Down products; a staple of home growing and household horticulture for a number of years. Despite this news, our horticultural experts are, nonetheless, dedicated to assisting you in your home growing and- in this article- we discuss some potential solutions to these significant changes.

A picture of Bio Bizz PH up & down against a white background on a wooden shelf

So what's actually happening? Well, according to the new legislation, in order for us to stock, sell or ship these products we need to carry an explosives license, take invasive details from our customers and also hire a UN regulated truck for shipping. Needless to say, we aren't too happy about these regulations and your experience in our store and on our website is paramount to us. As a result, we've sadly had to pull a few PH Up and Down products from our shelves. But that doesn't mean that your PH regulation for your horticultural experience needs to suffer.

A bottle of British Organic Bio's PH down next to a Senua Hydroponics coaster on a wooden table

The new regulation stipulates that PH strength over 30% is a potentially explosive substance- thus requiring a license to carry. The products still up on both our shelves and also our website are 100% legal and don't require anything special from you to buy. Of course, at Senua Hydroponics, we are devoted to easing your growing process and making sure that all the stresses of home growing are kept to a minimum. However we also pride ourselves on our honesty and expertise in the horticultural space and we felt it best to keep you informed about this change. 

A picture of a black Essentials Labs PH Up bottle against a grey background on top of a white table

But, if there's one thing that we can take from this, it is that there is no need to panic. At Senua Hydroponics, we're devoted to helping your home growing efforts in anyway we can and as a result, our staff our primed to assist you with any questions you may have regarding, not only the traditional methods of home growing, but any changes that may occur in the space regarding regulations, laws or changes to our products. We're here to assist you and one way you can make sure that you never miss an update is to follow us on our website, Instagram and Facebook pages. We hope that this does not inconvenience your growing (especially with Octoberfest and winter growing opportunities.) Keep growing.

by Len Langridge – October 24, 2023