Inline Filters




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Can In-Line Carbon Filter

Can In-Line Carbon Filter

Keep Your Growing Discreet and Clean Growing plants at home is a fantastic and productive hobby that brings joy, happiness and creativity to the forefront and produces something fantastic at the end of the growing cycle. Whilst it may be great at the end of a home growing cycle to see remarkable flowers and tasty, organic fruit and vegetables, there's no escaping that, during the propagation, nutrition and developing stages; the odours can be unpleasant for your home. Thus, a brilliant and discreet solution presents itself. Carbon filtration helps to keep your growing discreet, your home clean from pollen and also strengthens the health of your home grown plants. By reducing the smell of your home growing with a carbon filter, you'll not only keep your home free from the odours of plant nutrients and extracts, but you'll also be cleansing your growing environment- protecting your growing plants with clean air that's as breathable for you as it is for your plants. Conquer Your Growing Environment By removing excess CO2 from your growing environment, you'll not only be removing pollutants that could effect the growing of your plants- but you'll also be taking steps to improve your air quality whilst home growing. Regardless of whether you're using a grow tent or dedicated grow room, you'll be sure to breathe easily as you tend to your home grown plants with refreshing, CO2-free air freely available for you and your growing environment. Not only does this allow you to breathe easier, but by reducing the amount of carbon in the air of your home growing environment, you'll be greatly reducing the amount of particles that can infect your crop with various diseases that can ruin your growing frighteningly quickly. With a dedicated carbon filter for your plant growing, you'll ensure that your growing operation is kept clean, discreet and healthy so that you're guaranteed a clean and productive growing cycle time and time again.

Regular price £39.17
Regular price Sale price £39.17
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Inline Filters

Simplify Your Growing Area with Exceptional Filtration

Home growing is all about getting your growing environment just right. From Co2 enrichment, air movement, fans and heaters- as you gain experience in growing, you'll notice that your growing area is rapidly losing room to more and more ducting, hydroponic devices and (of course) larger crops and plants. Perfect for tight growing spaces or streamlining your entire home gardening set up, our great inline filters for growing allow you to mount your filter on the outside of your grow room; greatly increasing the amount of space in your current grow area- without being intrusive on your home and personal life. Inline filters are a great, space-saving solution for the avid grower who is keen to open that space up for either more mobility within their growing area- or for the grower who is looking for more space to increase their growing space for additional plants.

Discreet Growing for Home

It's always important to keep your personal life separate from your hydroponics hobby. As great as hydroponic growing can be thanks to the fantastic rewards of straightforward growing, there's no denying that home growing can be loud and smelly. Thankfully, in the world of advanced hydroponic growing; we have some fantastic filters at our disposal. These filters are able to remove the smells of the various nutrients and plants that you can use and grow throughout a hydroponics grow cycle. Whilst this is already a great way of keeping the neighbours happy and keeping your personal life separate from your hydro growing- there's another great benefit to using high quality inline growing filters. When used as a part of your ducting system, the security and weight provided by an inline filter can significantly reduce the amount of noise produced by the ducting systems that you can use for your growing.