EC Extraction Fans




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EC Extraction Fans

Energy Efficient Hydroponics

Saving money is always a major advantage that is firmly on the side of the hydroponic grower. Making sure that you're making savings where you can is vital when it comes to a hobby like hydroponics. Why? Because hydroponics is always growing. And because of this, it's important to know where the smart investments are when it comes to home growing and home gardening. And if you're looking for a new and exciting way to save, then look no further than the Senua range of EC extraction fans for hydroponics. Designed for energy efficient and hydroponics efficiency, EC extraction fans are likely to be more expensive in the short term, but over time (considering energy bills-) EC fans are more likely to actually save you money. The battle between EC and AC fans has long been discussed and the reason why is because, when it comes to hydroponics- both certainly have their place. And, depending what you want out of your home growing, you may find yourself torn between the two.

EC Fans or AC Fans?

There's not a lot that hydroponic growers argue about- but the disagreements between the use of AC and EC fans are certainly debated at great length. The main difference is in the initial price of a growing fan and the long term savings made. AC fans are much more likely to be cheaper, but on average will rack up an electricity bill that's twice as high. Compare that to an EC fan- which is marginally more expensive but significantly cheaper to run. This is where EC extraction fans have the lead over AC fans; provided that they are well maintained between each growing season- there's simply more savings and higher efficiency rates on the side of EC extraction fans. Of course, just like AC extraction fans, EC fans for growing can be used to prevent stagnant disease-ridden air from lingering within a grow area. Working in unison with a strong intake fan, EC extraction fans can keep plants healthier, happier and stronger- helping you to achieve more within your growing environment.