Plant Magic – Coco Supreme 40L
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Plant Magic – Coco Supreme
Primarily made up of premium-quality coconut husk, Plant Magic Coco Supreme gives growers the freedom to add plant nutrients into the substrate in precise measurements. Coco Supreme is pre-fertilised for 6-8 weeks, giving your plants the perfect environment to support rapid root development and foliage growth from day one.
The coconut husk used in Plant Magic Coco Supreme has been sourced from India’s largest and most professional producer. Known as coir, it undergoes a calcium-magnesium solution treatment to reduce the husk’s naturally high salt content. Coir was chosen as Plant Magic Coco Supreme’s main ingredient due to its ability to retain large quantities of water and nutrients. Additionally, the light texture of the shredded coir promotes aeration of the rootzone. Plant Magic Coco Supreme’s aerated properties protect your plants’ root network from oversaturation and allows the roots to easily spread through the media. This is promoted further by the other ingredients added to Coco Supreme to improve its water absorbency and air permeability.
Fytocell, an organic, biodegradable substrate, is added to the ground coir to improve its water absorbency and air permeability. A natural balance between water and air must be maintained in the growing media to stop oversaturation in the rootzone and suffocation of the root network. The fytocell in Coco Supreme has a porous, sponge-like cell structure which creates this balance, guarding against root rot and other plant diseases.
Like fytocell, the perlite pebbles improve the media’s water retention properties, but their main role in Coco Supreme is to improve aeration around the rootzone. Perlite, a volcanic rock, is added to coco coir to help with drainage and airflow. The combination of fytocell and perlite in Plant Magic Coco Supreme provides your plants with the perfect balance between aeration, drainage, and water retention. Growers using Plant Magic Coco Supreme will produce plants with extensive root networks, greater nutrient uptake and disease resistance, and larger yields.
Coco Supreme also contains Plant Magic’s secret special formula growth stimulant to encourage your plants’ root network to develop healthy, thick, and fast. Coco Supreme is designed to be used with Plant Magic’s full range of coco-specific base nutrients, such as Plant Magic Coco A&B.