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A photo of the Nokotech Simplex 680 from below showing the 6 bar grow light design

Nokatech SimpleX 680 LED grow light

When it comes to modern hydroponics, your growing environment is crucial. Ensuring that your plants have the right amount of light, air flow and water can mean the difference between a successful grow and a failed crop. As you can imagine, making sure that you have a great lighting setup for your hydroponics environment is the first step to creating your growing environment and no lighting is more versatile and dependable than the NokoTech Simplex 680 Grow Light. Boasting full spectrum LED grow lighting, remote control capability and straightforward installation; this great LED grow light is a must have for any hydroponic set up. A Great LED Grow Light for your Hydroponic Growing The Nokotech Simplex 680 Grow Light is designed for compatibility, versatility and straightforward installation in your growing environment. Hydroponic growing has never been easier than with the Nokotech Simplex 680 LED Grow Light. Equipped with a fantastic set of features designed to make your growing a success time and time again.   A sturdy but lightweight Nokotech grow light that can be easily transported and installed in minutes. The Simplex 680 Grow Light can also be folded for storage so you can take your growing anywhere. Full spectrum LED grow lights that can support the growth of any plant thanks to the ingenious design and layout of the individual LEDs. Incredible compatibility with controllers. This means that you won’t have to worry about the rest of your set up when you make the change to the Nokotech 680 Simplex Grow Light. Controlled by a 600w HPS ballast that is included with the grow light itself. This means that you can start your growing right out of the box. Premium Grow Lights for Great Growing Results With everything that the Nokotech 680 Simplex LED Grow Light has to offer, it’s no wonder that this grow light can help you achieve great hydroponic growing results. The lightweight design makes it exceptionally easy to effectively transport and the included HPS ballast can be mounted onto the grow light itself or separately depending on the needs of your growing environment. Truly one of the most versatile grow lights in the world of hydroponics, the Nokotech 680 Simplex LED Grow Light is a great option for starting your home horticulture and home growing journey. Easily scalable thanks to the cost effective and straightforward design of this six-bar grow light, the 680 Simplex can be used by either the beginner home gardener or for the business-minded horticultural professional. With the customization of this grow light, it’s never been easier to expand your home growing or make you start in the abundant hydroponics business. With 1980 individual LEDs providing a full spectrum of the lighting that your plants need, the Nokotech Simplex 680 Grow Light streamlines your work when it comes to home growing by taking care of the bulk of your growing environment needs. And thanks to these full spectrum LED grow lights, you’ll be able to grow a wide range of plants, herbs and fruits from the comfort of your own home with the press of a button. Fully Customizable LED Grow Lights Customization is king when it comes to creating the perfect growing environment. With its lightweight design and simple installation, the Nokotech 680 Simplex already has a pretty good start when it comes to getting your growing environment right. Able to produce great home growing results straight out of the box no matter the physical limitations of your space. However the included HPS ballast also allows you to have complete control over the lighting set up of your hydroponic growing area. Custom grow lighting is much more than a grow light’s ability to fit in your growing area. With the included 600w Digtial Pro HPS Light Ballast, you’ll be able to adjust your lighting to your plants’ precise needs. With four fantastic adjustment settings (280w, 420w, 630w and 680w,) you’ll be able to coax a better growing performance out of your plants. Options and versatility are the key to a long lasting LED grow light and the Nokotech Simplex 680 is capable of all of these things and more. Helping you establish the perfect growing environment for your home grown plants time and time again. This fantastic LED Grow Light is the perfect investment for your indoor farming needs. But there’s even more adaptability to this great grow light than even this. Courtesy of the included HPS ballast, the Nokotech Simplex 680 is also fully equipped to help you make your first steps into the hydroponics business. Using straightforward RJ Cables (which are even included for free with the 680 Simplex,) you will be able to create a horticultural daisy chain. With the assistance of a PWM controller (purchased separately) you’ll be able to connect up to 80 fixtures for a large-scale horticultural business. This offers so much more than simple convenience. The daisy chain capability of the Nokotech 680 Simplex provides home hydroponic growers the opportunity to make their own mark in the horticulture industry. Turning a green-fingered hobby into a thriving business that is literally home grown. The Benefits of LED Grow Lights There are many types of lighting that you can use throughout your home farming and home gardening career. From HPS lighting to CFL lighting; each has their own place in hydroponics that can never truly be overlooked. But when it comes to LED lighting, more and more hydro-growers are making the switch than ever before. And this is no coincidence. LED grow lights are simply flying off the shelves and the art of hydroponics has been rocked by the impact that these lights have had on the entire home growing industry. Why exactly has this been happening? For starters, HPS lighting has been known to be quite costly when it comes to energy consumption. Whilst it’s true that HPS grow lights have proven to be beneficial when artificially increasing the temperature of your growing environment, it’s equally true that this effect requires your grow lights to be switched on for longer periods of time. This eats into a grower’s wallet very quickly and despite the potential of your hydroponic growing, these small costs begin to rack up. LED grow lights are different entirely. Being able to produce equivalent growing results whilst consuming significantly less energy. And by consuming less electricity, your LED grow lights are also saving you money on your growing. Another reason to consider changing to LED grow lights is all about that crucial stage of hydroponics development. Getting your indoor farming environment perfect. In hydroponics, getting your growing environment right for your needs can be half the battle. Ensuring a proper air flow, lighting setup and temperature can be overwhelming, especially if you’re taking your first steps into the world of hydroponics. That’s where LED grow lights can work best for you. LED grow lights- like the Nokotech 680 Simplex- produce minimal external effects and are designed to ensure the desired level of lighting without impacting the rest of your growing environment. In other words: LED grow lights do not produce the same amount of heat that other types of grow lighting do. Nor does an LED grow light stifle the air within your growing environment. Not only does this take away the stress of customising your growing setup, but it also allows you to scale your growing in comfort which works even better with the Nokotech 680 Simplex’s daisy chain capacity.

Regular price £375.00
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The Omega 720w LED Grow light shown from underneath displaying the full spectrum LED lights of this six bar LED Grow Light

Omega Black 720W LED with Ballast

Everything you need to start growing straight out of the box, the Omega 720w LED Grow Light is exceptional when it comes to providing straightforward, easy to use grow lighting. With a jet black design that also features a broad grow light coverage thanks to the six powerful LED lighting bars, this great LED grow light packs a serious punch when it comes to the cultivation of your home grown plants. Thanks to the fantastic 1950 Umol/s PPF output, the Omega Black 720w LED grow light is a brilliant cultivation light that ensures that your plants are supplied with ample lighting and environment control for your hydroponic needs. A Grow Light that Promotes Rapid Plant Growth As with all other LED lights, the Omega Black 720w LED Grow Light is energy efficient and more or less ready to use as soon as you have it. Thanks to the lightweight design, included ballast and exceptional, full spectrum LED lighting- the Omega Black 720w LED Grow Light is a great LED grow light for almost any hydroponics need or horticultural project. The Omega Black 720w LED Grow Light is one of the easiest and most straightforward LED grow lights to set up and start using. As simple as plugging your LED light in and turning the light on. And with the included light ballast, you’ll be ready to add the Omega Black 720w LED Grow Light to your hydroponic growing quickly and easily. An energy efficient LED grow light with a sturdy design- the Omega Black 720w LED Grow Light is designed to save you money thanks to the adoption of energy efficient LED technology. This ensures that your Omega 720w Light is much cheaper to run than any other type of grow light out there. The lightweight design of the Omega Black 720w Light allows for much more control when it comes to your home farming. With dimmable lighting options, the lightweight design allows you to suspend your Omega LED Grow Light however you wish; whether you prefer a higher light intensity with lights further away; or a lower intensity with your grow light closer to your plants- the Omega 720w LED Grow Light is versatile enough to be used how you want, depending on the size of your growing area and the amount of plants that you are growing. Everything included; from the LED Grow Light itself, right down to the spirit level to make sure that you suspend your grow light exactly right. The Omega Black 720w grow light comes with everything that you need to get your grow room setup exactly right; comfortably and hassle-free. LED Grow Lights That Save You Money LED grow lights are rapidly becoming the preferred lighting method of hydroponic growers all over the world. Thanks to their broad spectrum of lights and control, a great LED grow light like the Omega Black 720w can be used to grow a wide variety of herbs, flowers and fruits. Easily replicating natural light without producing excessive amounts of heat. This gives LED grow lights an interesting growing-edge, especially when it comes to creating your home growing environment. By reducing the amount of heat outputted by your grow lights, it becomes much easier to get other aspects of your home growing just right. This means that LED grow lights can be incredibly useful- not just for getting your lighting sorted- but also for air flow, temperature control and much more. It’s really no surprise that LED grow lights are surging in popularity. There are more reasons to switch to a great LED grow light like the Omega Black 720w though. Whilst the Omega Black 720w LED Grow Light is capable of enhancing your growing potential, it’s also an energy efficient way to start your next home grown crop. LED grow lights are much more energy efficient than other forms of grow lighting making them more affordable as they are used as well as much more dependable and longer lasting. When you’re considering a hydroponic growing cycle, there’s no doubt that questions around budget and energy bills will have to be asked. Can I afford to grow this season? How much will it cost to set up my own home growing environment? Are there cheaper alternatives to my home growing set up? Thankfully, the Omega Black 720w LED Grow Light is here for you. Affordable and durable thanks to a robust and discreet all black and metal design, the Omega Black 720w is an energy efficient LED grow light that starts saving you money on your home growing right out of the gate. With an affordable upfront cost and durability for multiple hydroponic grow cycles, the Omega Black 720w LED grow light is a great option for the hydro grower looking for great growing results time and time again with an affordable price tag. But thanks to the energy efficient nature of LED grow lights, the savings don’t stop with just the fixture itself. Instead, the Omega Black 720w LED Grow Light is constantly saving you money each time you grow. By consuming less energy than different forms of grow lighting, the Omega Black 720w will be helping to reduce your energy bills so there’ll be no nasty trade-off between costs and profit when it comes to your next hydro grow.

Regular price £300.00
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Lumii 6 Bar Black LED 720W

Lumii 6 Bar Black LED 720W

Affordable LED grow lighting that provides fantastic results. The LUMii 720w LED grow light is a grower’s best friend when it comes to easy to use and affordable LED grow lights. The fixture itself contains 6 LED grow light bars with full spectrum lighting. A great grow light when it comes to coverage and versatility. And, thanks to the option to include a great ballast, the LUMii 720w LED grow light can be used straight out of the box; attached wherever you like so that you have complete portability of your grow lighting within your home growing environment. LED Grow Lighting Made Easy LED grow lights have been a staple of LUMii. A true pioneer when it comes to LED grow lighting, LUMii lights have been tried, tested and loved by hydroponic growers all over the world thanks to the great grow lights that are designed to last throughout all of your growing cycles. A lightweight and compact design with complete coverage for crops means that the LUMii 720w LED grow light can be used in almost any growing environment or on-the-go thanks to the easy storage and robust design of this great LED grow light. A full spectrum LED grow light that provides enough power to efficiently grow almost any type of herb, plant or fruit. Whatever it is you want to grow from the comfort of your own home, the LUMii 720w LED grow light can get the job done. With an IP65 rating and up to 50,000 hours of hassle-free growing, the LUMii 720w LED grow light is designed to be used time and time again. An already sturdy LED grow light that has everything you need to get great hydroponic results for years to come. Perfect for both growth and bloom. If the LUMii 720w LED grow light is hung correctly using adjustable ratchet hangers, the sky's the limit when it comes to the development of your home grown plants and your LUMii 720w LED grow light. A Straightforward LED Grow Light with Plenty of Options Hydroponic growing can be a rewarding experience. A hobby and a potential business, it’s important to understand all of the tools at your disposal when taking your first steps into the world of modern hydroponics. With a variety of different grow lights to choose from (not to mention other considerations regarding your growing area) it can be confusing to understand what makes LED grow lights so good for hydroponic growing. But rest assured- the LUMii 720w LED grow light is the perfect example of what a great LED grow light should be. Straightforward to use right out of the box, the LUMii 720w LED grow light is one of the easiest grow lights to set up. Lightweight and compact, this great grow light is designed to easily fit into almost any size of grow area whilst providing your home grown plants with all of their needed light. You can also use adjustable hangers that allow you to control how close your LUMii 720w light fixture is from the growing plants underneath. This allows you to have complete flexibility when it comes to keeping your plants stimulated. By doing this, you’ll be able to see your plants get the right amount of light throughout both the growing and blooming stages of your indoor farming crop. With such rapid growing power at your fingertips you may not be expecting the amount of versatility that the LUMii 720w LED grow light brings to the table. But, this LUMii grow light has so much more to offer when it comes to versatility. Using the optional, included ballast can be a great way to increase the number of options available to you when setting up grow. Able to be attached either to the top of the fixture itself or positioned remotely, the optional included ballast provides plenty of opportunities to tinker with your hydroponic set up so that you can get an ideal grow area set up for yourself. But with options to set the LEDs to dim, normal or boost also included on the ballast; the LUMii 720w provides more options than most other form of grow light. Another huge advantage of using LED grow lights over other forms of lighting.

Regular price £496.28
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Great LED grow lights can be hard to come by. But once again, LUMii is here to smash it out of the park yet again with the LUMii X 680w LED Grow Light. Bring the focus of your growing back where it belongs- on your plants, thanks to the simple to set up design of the LUMii X 680w LED Grow Light. Ready to go straight out of the box, this great grow light is guaranteed to help any hydroponic grower get the most out of their indoor farming and home growing thanks to the ingenious and experienced touch of LUMii. A Great Driver Driven Grow Light LUMii has consistently been one of the biggest players when it comes to high quality LED grow lights for hydroponics. Covering a wide range of different lights for whatever it is that you’re growing, LUMii has plenty of experience in providing great LED grow lights. But their X 680w LED Grow Light takes this one step further thanks to the powerful output of 680w. Designed to mimic natural sunlight for your plants, the LUMii X 680w LED Grow Light is capable of providing precisely the right amount of light for your plants throughout the growing and blooming stages of their development. Your indoor growing can be fully covered thanks to the wide range of the light provided by the LUMii X 680w LED Grow Light. Whilst other lights may struggle to fully cover the entire area of your grow area, the LUMii X 680w LED Grow Light can easily cover your entire crop. Indoor horticulture has never been easier thanks to this great LED grow light. Featuring a dimmable driver that allows you to fully control the lighting within your indoor garden, the LUMii X 680w LED Grow Light can adapt to the needs of you and your plants. Highly portable thanks to the lightweight and foldable design, the LUMii X 680w LED Grow Light can be easily transported and installed into whatever type of growing environment you want to use. Grow Lighting that's Flexible and Reliable The LUMii X 680w LED Grow Light is a great way to make an easy, straightforward and affordable first step into the world of LED hydroponic grow lights. Boasting a full spectrum of precisely placed LEDs, this grow light is engineered to take all of the hard work out of grow lighting so that you can focus on the most important part of your hydroponic growing. Your plants. Straightforward to install in your growing area, the LUMii X 680w LED Grow Light is a great way to get into hydroponics or an ideal supplement to a current grower’s set up. Thanks to the versatility of this amazing grow light, there’s no end to the usefulness of the LUMii X 680w LED Grow Light. Full spectrum LED grow lights like the LUMii X 680w are great for ensuring that whatever plants you’re growing are fully supported throughout their entire life cycle. Not only do full spectrum lights increase the amount of plants that can be treated by your LED grow light, but it also more closely replicates the effects of natural sunlight on your plants. The flexibility of the LUMii X 680w Grow Light is really where this light (literally) shines and it’s not just due to the wide range of plants that can be dependably grown thanks to the full spectrum array of LED lights. The driver driven capacity of this great LED grow light allows for complete control over the intensity and level of brightness your LUMii X 680w LED Grow Light is putting out. This means that, unlike most LED grow lights that are only capable of a few different modes, the LUMii X 60w LED grow light is capable of a variety of different light intensities based on your preferences and the needs of your plants. This means that, unlike other grow lights which need to be adjusted up and down using different types of hangers, the LUMii X 680w LED grow light doesn’t need to be raised or lowered according to the needs of your home grown plants.

Regular price £300.00
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MaxiBright Daylight 1030W LED

MaxiBright Daylight 1030W LED

The Best Grow Lights in the UK Ideal to get you started on your growing journey, our range of incredible of lights for growing plants is among the best in the UK. From compact CFL grow lights to more controlled and energy efficient LED grow lights, we make sure to stock the most effective and discreet grow lights that keep your home growing minimalistic and efficient. Getting your growing environment just right is crucial to making sure that your home grown plants, fruit and vegetables are perfect and the first step to making sure that your environment is correct is by getting your lighting spot-on. Whether you're using a specific grow room or a specialized grow tent, be sure to keep your home grown plants happy and healthy with perfect grow lighting. Keep on Growing Among our varied selection of great grow lights, you'll find the best home growing brands and a diverse cast of grow lights from each. To keep your home growing strong, we ensure that we only work with the best companies in grow lighting so that you're guaranteed to have no nasty surprises when it comes to your plant growth. By working with the best grow lighting brands, we're able to also stock the best grow lights that are sure to last and provide exceptional growing results time and time again, regardless of your growing conditions. From propagation lighting to hangers, we're not content to provide the bare minimum when it comes to your home gardening adventures. We aim to make our home gardening lighting straightforward and easy to use- and to that end, we also provide everything you need to get your grow lights set up exactly how you want them so there's no hassle between receiving your grow lights and setting up for the next round of growing.

Regular price £800.00
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Maxibright Juno Pro led 1800

Maxibright Juno Pro led 1800

The Best Grow Lights in the UK Ideal to get you started on your growing journey, our range of incredible of lights for growing plants is among the best in the UK. From compact CFL grow lights to more controlled and energy efficient LED grow lights, we make sure to stock the most effective and discreet grow lights that keep your home growing minimalistic and efficient. Getting your growing environment just right is crucial to making sure that your home grown plants, fruit and vegetables are perfect and the first step to making sure that your environment is correct is by getting your lighting spot-on. Whether you're using a specific grow room or a specialized grow tent, be sure to keep your home grown plants happy and healthy with perfect grow lighting. Keep on Growing Among our varied selection of great grow lights, you'll find the best home growing brands and a diverse cast of grow lights from each. To keep your home growing strong, we ensure that we only work with the best companies in grow lighting so that you're guaranteed to have no nasty surprises when it comes to your plant growth. By working with the best grow lighting brands, we're able to also stock the best grow lights that are sure to last and provide exceptional growing results time and time again, regardless of your growing conditions. From propagation lighting to hangers, we're not content to provide the bare minimum when it comes to your home gardening adventures. We aim to make our home gardening lighting straightforward and easy to use- and to that end, we also provide everything you need to get your grow lights set up exactly how you want them so there's no hassle between receiving your grow lights and setting up for the next round of growing.

Regular price £600.00
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Omega Spectra G Line LED Grow Light G430

Omega Spectra G Line LED Grow Light G430

Imagine a world where grow lighting can be effective and affordable. Well, with the Omega Spectra G Line LED Grow Light, that’s exactly what you get. Fantastic, energy efficient grow lighting that holds its own amongst the toughest hydroponics conditions. An LED grow light like no other, the Omega Spectra G Line is one of the best grow lights currently available and the affordable price ensures a rapid return on investment even for beginners in the hydroponic growing scene. With a full light spectrum as well, the Spectra G Line is one of the most versatile tools in a grower’s arsenal when it comes to getting a good result from your indoor farming. A One of a Kind LED Grow Light To cover this Omega grow light in-depth could take hours. With so many options (all of which are included with the light fixture,) it’s no wonder why so many hydro growers are making the switch to the Omega Spectra. Versatility is the key word when it comes to this particular grow light. Made possible thanks to the compact, lightweight design that ensures that you can take your grow on the go- with portability in mind. Easy to install and with an excellent build quality the sky really is the limit when you’re using the Omega Spectra G Ling LED Grow Light. An onboard dimmer allows you to set the brightness of your Omega Spectra grow light. This means that you won’t have to worry too much about the proximity of your grow light to your indoor garden. A huge time saver that helps you get up and growing in no time. The sleek, compact design (which gives the Spectra its lightweight) is also incredibly good for adapting to the space of your growing environment. This improves the installation process for this grow light and also ensures your grow light is clear and out of the way. This discreetly designed grow light is also helped by the completely silent operation of the light itself. The Omega Spectra G Line Grow Light is also great for expanding your hydroponics business. Growing your own fruits and vegetables can be incredibly rewarding and, thanks to the included ports on the Omega Spectra, you can easily hook up additional lights to provide a great daisy chain of highly efficient LED grow lights. An Affordable Grow Light for your Indoor Growing LED grow lights are becoming increasingly popular amongst hydro growers. This is thanks to the energy efficient design of the lights as well as the security and portability of the grow lights themselves. Being an energy efficient grow light, the Omega Spectra G Line Grow Light is one of the most affordable grow lights available. Achieving great growing results without consuming excess electricity. Not only does this give your indoor farming a consistently superior crop, but it also reduces energy bills in the long run. And thanks to the sturdy, all-in-one grow light design, the Omega Spectra is also guaranteed to last; with a lifespan of around 50,000 hours of use.

Regular price £400.00
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Compact, durable and long lasting. LUMii grow lights have been a mainstay in hydroponics for a good reason and now, with the energy efficient LUMii Black Blade 100w LED grow light, your home grown plants can now benefit from the affordable rays of a LUMii grow light. Expertly crafted for silent running and boasting a sleek design, the LUMii Black Blade is one of the most subtle grow lights currently available. A compact grow light that doesn’t sacrifice growing power, the LUMii Black Blade is one of the best all-round grow lights for modern hydroponics thanks to its affordable nature, exceptional performance and discreet design. Suitable for all kinds of growers. From the growing beginner to the dedicated hydro grower. The LUMii Black Blade is flexible enough, affordable enough and powerful enough to ensure fantastic results for any hydroponics grower. Ideal for Growing in Small Spaces Providing a full spectrum of white LED lights, the LUMii Black Blade is a great grow light for vegetative growth and propagation. Easy to install and great for moving around thanks to its long power cable, this plate-like LED grow light is perfect for any tight growing space and really comes into its own when you need exceptional power but are working with a small amount of space. The LUMii Black Blade LED grow light is designed with your growing in mind. A perfectly sized LED grow light for an entire propagation tray, this great LUMii grow light is your handy friend when it comes to all things seedlings, cuttings and non-flowering herbs. A sturdy, all-metal design that allows for durability without becoming too heavy or bulky. Combined with the included hangers that allow for portability and reusability. The LUMii Black Blade can easily cover a growing area 3ft by 3ft of full white spectrum LED grow lighting. This coverage is ideal for medium sized grow tents or smaller grow tents. With full spectrum white LED grow lights, the LUMii Black Blade is capable of ensuring fantastic home growing yields. By reinforcing your vegetative and non-flowering herbs with this full spectrum white and blue lighting, you’ll be able to get great yields time and time again- throughout all of your hydroponic growing.

Regular price £120.00
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MaxiBright Daylight 660W

MaxiBright Daylight 660W

The definition of a plug-and-play LED grow light. Unbelievably easy to set up, install and start your home growing, the MaxiBright Daylight 660w puts out an incredible amount of growing power. Clip on bars mean that this grow light can be easily assembled and disassembled by a single person. Ideal for transport- especially considering the durable design which can take the small bumps that you may expect when transporting your grow light in the back of a van or even on the backseat of a car. The MaxiBright Daylight 660w LED grow light is efficient, straightforward and easily suited to any form of hydroponic growing. A Grow Light that acts like Natural Sunlight An LED that accurately mimics natural sunlight is rare. But the MaxiBright Daylight 660w LED grow light is the pinnacle of natural light replication. With an exceptional dimmer that also provides this great LED grow light with a lot of options when it comes to encouraging your plant growth. Combined with the wide range of light that is cast down from the MaxiBright Daylight 660w LED grow light and it’s clear to understand why this LED grow light is a cut above the rest. Easily capable of enhancing your home growing and providing exceptional grow lighting for your entire home crop. Thanks to the improved clip on bars of the MaxiBright Daylight 660w LED grow light, you can easily assemble your growing area quickly. This also helps you take your growing on the go by offering an added layer to your portable grow lights. A fanless, streamlined LED grow light with a durable design- the MaxiBright Daylight 660w LED grow light is not only a long lasting LED grow light, but is also completely silent. By removing all of the hard, mechanical components, the MaxiBright Daylight 660w LED grow light has also removed the risk of failure whilst providing a subtle grow light for home growers. A well rounded, full spectrum LED grow light for any hydroponics set up. The MaxiBright Daylight 660w LED grow light is extremely effective for high intensity grow lighting in a dedicated grow tent. By providing an enhanced red lighting, the MaxiBright Daylight 660w LED grow light is able to provide fantastic yields from your home grown plants whilst also being energy efficient and affordable.

Regular price £850.00
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Green LED 10W Rechargeable Battery Clip Work Light for Hydroponic Grow Room

Green LED 10W Rechargeable Battery Clip Work Light for Hydroponic Grow Room

The Best Grow Lights in the UK Ideal to get you started on your growing journey, our range of incredible of lights for growing plants is among the best in the UK. From compact CFL grow lights to more controlled and energy efficient LED grow lights, we make sure to stock the most effective and discreet grow lights that keep your home growing minimalistic and efficient. Getting your growing environment just right is crucial to making sure that your home grown plants, fruit and vegetables are perfect and the first step to making sure that your environment is correct is by getting your lighting spot-on. Whether you're using a specific grow room or a specialized grow tent, be sure to keep your home grown plants happy and healthy with perfect grow lighting. Keep on Growing Among our varied selection of great grow lights, you'll find the best home growing brands and a diverse cast of grow lights from each. To keep your home growing strong, we ensure that we only work with the best companies in grow lighting so that you're guaranteed to have no nasty surprises when it comes to your plant growth. By working with the best grow lighting brands, we're able to also stock the best grow lights that are sure to last and provide exceptional growing results time and time again, regardless of your growing conditions. From propagation lighting to hangers, we're not content to provide the bare minimum when it comes to your home gardening adventures. We aim to make our home gardening lighting straightforward and easy to use- and to that end, we also provide everything you need to get your grow lights set up exactly how you want them so there's no hassle between receiving your grow lights and setting up for the next round of growing.

Regular price £28.95
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Sanlight Q6W Gen 2 S2.1 LED Full Spectrum Hydroponic Grow Light for Veg Flower

Sanlight Q6W Gen 2 S2.1 LED Full Spectrum Hydroponic Grow Light for Veg Flower

The Best Grow Lights in the UK Ideal to get you started on your growing journey, our range of incredible of lights for growing plants is among the best in the UK. From compact CFL grow lights to more controlled and energy efficient LED grow lights, we make sure to stock the most effective and discreet grow lights that keep your home growing minimalistic and efficient. Getting your growing environment just right is crucial to making sure that your home grown plants, fruit and vegetables are perfect and the first step to making sure that your environment is correct is by getting your lighting spot-on. Whether you're using a specific grow room or a specialized grow tent, be sure to keep your home grown plants happy and healthy with perfect grow lighting. Keep on Growing Among our varied selection of great grow lights, you'll find the best home growing brands and a diverse cast of grow lights from each. To keep your home growing strong, we ensure that we only work with the best companies in grow lighting so that you're guaranteed to have no nasty surprises when it comes to your plant growth. By working with the best grow lighting brands, we're able to also stock the best grow lights that are sure to last and provide exceptional growing results time and time again, regardless of your growing conditions. From propagation lighting to hangers, we're not content to provide the bare minimum when it comes to your home gardening adventures. We aim to make our home gardening lighting straightforward and easy to use- and to that end, we also provide everything you need to get your grow lights set up exactly how you want them so there's no hassle between receiving your grow lights and setting up for the next round of growing.

Regular price £499.99
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Lumatek Zeus 600W PRO 2.9 LED Grow Light - Full Spectrum

Lumatek Zeus 600W PRO 2.9 LED Grow Light - Full Spectrum

The Best Grow Lights in the UK Ideal to get you started on your growing journey, our range of incredible of lights for growing plants is among the best in the UK. From compact CFL grow lights to more controlled and energy efficient LED grow lights, we make sure to stock the most effective and discreet grow lights that keep your home growing minimalistic and efficient. Getting your growing environment just right is crucial to making sure that your home grown plants, fruit and vegetables are perfect and the first step to making sure that your environment is correct is by getting your lighting spot-on. Whether you're using a specific grow room or a specialized grow tent, be sure to keep your home grown plants happy and healthy with perfect grow lighting. Keep on Growing Among our varied selection of great grow lights, you'll find the best home growing brands and a diverse cast of grow lights from each. To keep your home growing strong, we ensure that we only work with the best companies in grow lighting so that you're guaranteed to have no nasty surprises when it comes to your plant growth. By working with the best grow lighting brands, we're able to also stock the best grow lights that are sure to last and provide exceptional growing results time and time again, regardless of your growing conditions. From propagation lighting to hangers, we're not content to provide the bare minimum when it comes to your home gardening adventures. We aim to make our home gardening lighting straightforward and easy to use- and to that end, we also provide everything you need to get your grow lights set up exactly how you want them so there's no hassle between receiving your grow lights and setting up for the next round of growing.

Regular price £834.85
Regular price Sale price £834.85
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Lumatek ATS 300W PRO LED Grow Light - Full Spectrum

Lumatek ATS 300W PRO LED Grow Light - Full Spectrum

The Best Grow Lights in the UK Ideal to get you started on your growing journey, our range of incredible of lights for growing plants is among the best in the UK. From compact CFL grow lights to more controlled and energy efficient LED grow lights, we make sure to stock the most effective and discreet grow lights that keep your home growing minimalistic and efficient. Getting your growing environment just right is crucial to making sure that your home grown plants, fruit and vegetables are perfect and the first step to making sure that your environment is correct is by getting your lighting spot-on. Whether you're using a specific grow room or a specialized grow tent, be sure to keep your home grown plants happy and healthy with perfect grow lighting. Keep on Growing Among our varied selection of great grow lights, you'll find the best home growing brands and a diverse cast of grow lights from each. To keep your home growing strong, we ensure that we only work with the best companies in grow lighting so that you're guaranteed to have no nasty surprises when it comes to your plant growth. By working with the best grow lighting brands, we're able to also stock the best grow lights that are sure to last and provide exceptional growing results time and time again, regardless of your growing conditions. From propagation lighting to hangers, we're not content to provide the bare minimum when it comes to your home gardening adventures. We aim to make our home gardening lighting straightforward and easy to use- and to that end, we also provide everything you need to get your grow lights set up exactly how you want them so there's no hassle between receiving your grow lights and setting up for the next round of growing.

Regular price £388.70
Regular price Sale price £388.70
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Nokatech FX Pro 1000 LED grow light

Nokatech FX Pro 1000 LED grow light

The Nokotech FX PRO 1000 grow light is a cutting-edge solution designed to meet the needs of both amateur and professional indoor gardeners. This advanced LED grow light offers a range of features that ensure optimal plant growth while maintaining energy efficiency and ease of use. Full-Spectrum LED Technology The FX PRO 1000 is equipped with full-spectrum LED technology, which mimics natural sunlight by providing a comprehensive range of light wavelengths. This spectrum includes blue light for vegetative growth, red light for flowering, and other essential wavelengths that support various stages of plant development. With a maximum Photosynthetic Photon Flux (PPF) of 2700 μmol/s, the FX PRO 1000 ensures that your plants receive the highest quality light for robust growth and high yields. Energy Efficiency One of the standout features of the Nokotech FX PRO 1000 is its energy efficiency. LED grow lights are known for their ability to provide intense light output while consuming significantly less power compared to traditional High-Intensity Discharge (HID) lights. This efficiency translates to lower electricity bills and a reduced carbon footprint, making the FX PRO 1000 an environmentally friendly choice. The long lifespan of LEDs also means fewer replacements and lower maintenance costs over time. Lightweight and Compact Design The FX PRO 1000 boasts a lightweight and compact design, making it easy to install and move as needed. Its slim profile allows it to fit into grow tents of any size, from small personal setups to larger commercial operations. This versatility ensures that growers can optimize their space without compromising on the quality of their lighting. Easy Installation and Use Ease of use is another key advantage of the Nokotech FX PRO 1000. Unlike some grow lights that require complex wiring and setup procedures, the FX PRO 1000 is designed for simple, plug-and-play operation. Just plug the light into a standard electrical outlet, and it's ready to go. This user-friendly setup makes it accessible to gardeners of all experience levels, from beginners to seasoned professionals. Advanced Features In addition to its core functionalities, the FX PRO 1000 may include advanced features such as dimmable settings, allowing growers to adjust the light intensity according to the needs of their plants. Some models might also offer connectivity options for integrating with smart home systems or grow room automation tools, further enhancing the control and convenience for the user. Durability and Reliability Built with high-quality materials and robust construction, the Nokotech FX PRO 1000 is designed to withstand the rigors of continuous use. The durable design ensures reliable performance, even in demanding growing conditions. The use of advanced cooling technology helps to maintain optimal operating temperatures, extending the lifespan of the LEDs and ensuring consistent light output. Conclusion In summary, the Nokotech FX PRO 1000 grow light is a high-performance, energy-efficient solution that caters to the needs of indoor growers. Its full-spectrum LED technology provides the essential light spectrum for all stages of plant growth, while its lightweight and compact design make it easy to install in any grow tent. With simple plug-and-play operation, advanced features, and durable construction, the FX PRO 1000 is an excellent investment for anyone looking to maximize their indoor gardening success. Whether you are a hobbyist looking to improve your home garden or a professional seeking to enhance your commercial operations, the Nokotech FX PRO 1000 grow light delivers exceptional results.

Regular price £830.00
Regular price Sale price £830.00
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Nokotech ECO 660 LED grow light

The Best Grow Lights in the UK Ideal to get you started on your growing journey, our range of incredible of lights for growing plants is among the best in the UK. From compact CFL grow lights to more controlled and energy efficient LED grow lights, we make sure to stock the most effective and discreet grow lights that keep your home growing minimalistic and efficient. Getting your growing environment just right is crucial to making sure that your home grown plants, fruit and vegetables are perfect and the first step to making sure that your environment is correct is by getting your lighting spot-on. Whether you're using a specific grow room or a specialized grow tent, be sure to keep your home grown plants happy and healthy with perfect grow lighting. Keep on Growing Among our varied selection of great grow lights, you'll find the best home growing brands and a diverse cast of grow lights from each. To keep your home growing strong, we ensure that we only work with the best companies in grow lighting so that you're guaranteed to have no nasty surprises when it comes to your plant growth. By working with the best grow lighting brands, we're able to also stock the best grow lights that are sure to last and provide exceptional growing results time and time again, regardless of your growing conditions. From propagation lighting to hangers, we're not content to provide the bare minimum when it comes to your home gardening adventures. We aim to make our home gardening lighting straightforward and easy to use- and to that end, we also provide everything you need to get your grow lights set up exactly how you want them so there's no hassle between receiving your grow lights and setting up for the next round of growing.

Regular price £550.00
Regular price Sale price £550.00
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Nokotech SMART 880 LED grow light

The Best Grow Lights in the UK Ideal to get you started on your growing journey, our range of incredible of lights for growing plants is among the best in the UK. From compact CFL grow lights to more controlled and energy efficient LED grow lights, we make sure to stock the most effective and discreet grow lights that keep your home growing minimalistic and efficient. Getting your growing environment just right is crucial to making sure that your home grown plants, fruit and vegetables are perfect and the first step to making sure that your environment is correct is by getting your lighting spot-on. Whether you're using a specific grow room or a specialized grow tent, be sure to keep your home grown plants happy and healthy with perfect grow lighting. Keep on Growing Among our varied selection of great grow lights, you'll find the best home growing brands and a diverse cast of grow lights from each. To keep your home growing strong, we ensure that we only work with the best companies in grow lighting so that you're guaranteed to have no nasty surprises when it comes to your plant growth. By working with the best grow lighting brands, we're able to also stock the best grow lights that are sure to last and provide exceptional growing results time and time again, regardless of your growing conditions. From propagation lighting to hangers, we're not content to provide the bare minimum when it comes to your home gardening adventures. We aim to make our home gardening lighting straightforward and easy to use- and to that end, we also provide everything you need to get your grow lights set up exactly how you want them so there's no hassle between receiving your grow lights and setting up for the next round of growing.

Regular price £750.00
Regular price Sale price £750.00
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Nokotech SMART 880 SL LED grow light

The Best Grow Lights in the UK Ideal to get you started on your growing journey, our range of incredible of lights for growing plants is among the best in the UK. From compact CFL grow lights to more controlled and energy efficient LED grow lights, we make sure to stock the most effective and discreet grow lights that keep your home growing minimalistic and efficient. Getting your growing environment just right is crucial to making sure that your home grown plants, fruit and vegetables are perfect and the first step to making sure that your environment is correct is by getting your lighting spot-on. Whether you're using a specific grow room or a specialized grow tent, be sure to keep your home grown plants happy and healthy with perfect grow lighting. Keep on Growing Among our varied selection of great grow lights, you'll find the best home growing brands and a diverse cast of grow lights from each. To keep your home growing strong, we ensure that we only work with the best companies in grow lighting so that you're guaranteed to have no nasty surprises when it comes to your plant growth. By working with the best grow lighting brands, we're able to also stock the best grow lights that are sure to last and provide exceptional growing results time and time again, regardless of your growing conditions. From propagation lighting to hangers, we're not content to provide the bare minimum when it comes to your home gardening adventures. We aim to make our home gardening lighting straightforward and easy to use- and to that end, we also provide everything you need to get your grow lights set up exactly how you want them so there's no hassle between receiving your grow lights and setting up for the next round of growing.

Regular price £850.00
Regular price Sale price £850.00
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LED Lights

The Best LED Grow Lights in the UK

One of the most versatile lighting systems to use when you're growing. LED lights are a fantastic way to secure exceptional results for your home growing projects. Covering a wide range of growing spectrums, LED grow lights are great for making sure that you're able to grow whatever you want, when you want thanks to their uncanny ability to mimic natural sunlight with precise UV. Whilst warmer spectrums of LED provide warmer UV (which is perfect for growing roots, flowers and fruits,) cooler UV spectrums can facilitate exceptional branch and leaf development. But, what makes our range of LED grow lights the best in the UK? That's an easy question to answer. Full spectrum LED lights. Capable of seeing your plants through every stage of the home growing process all the way from propagation and rooting- right up to the vegetative stages of development. There's never been a more straightforward way to start your home growing journey than with our selection of the best LED grow lights.

Sustainable Growing for You

But, why pick LED grow lighting over other types of lighting? That's a little bit more complicated, but definitely worth understanding. LED grow lights can be some of the most energy efficient types of grow lights in the UK. This means that you'll be saving money on your energy bills whilst sustaining incredible growing rates. Furthermore, LED grow lights are designed to last. Our LED grow lights can last up to 50,000 hours. That's already an incredible amount of time but to put it into perspective that can range between 12 and 15 years of normal growing cycles. Definitely a worthwhile investment for the avid home grower. But add to that the ease of maintenance, the cost of replacement parts and more; and it's easy to see that LED grow lighting is a great way to start saving money on your home growing projects. And saving money is always a great way to stay in the growing game.